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Historical Novel

As the last of the four great caliphs, Hz. As the Prophet witnessed his whole life, Hz. Ali's life is actually a complete history of happiness.
His eyes, which had witnessed the great illumination in the history of mankind, had to see the period of strife towards the end of his life, and the door of mischief opened after his death, and the winds of discord began to blow faster in his absence.

We present the book to you with the meticulous examination and control of expert writers and theologians as in the other series of the author, and we are happy to complete the lives of the four great caliphs with the unique style of Akıncı.

Work Name: Hz. Ali


Publisher: Bahar Publications

Original Language: Turkish

Volume Information: Paperback

Paper Information: 60 gr. Imported Paper

Date of Publication: 2020

Publication Information: 5th Edition

Number of Pages: 425

Book Dimensions: 13.5 x 21 cm.

ISBN No: 978-975-450-124-7

Barcode No: 9789754501247

Tag Price: 38.00 TL

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