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Hz. Noah's ship &

Hz. Eyyub's Prayer

The Best Stories Life of the Prophets

Title: Hz. Noah's Ark and Hz. Eyyub's Prayer

Work Subtitle: The Best Stories The Life of the Prophets

Author Name: Saniyasnain Khan

Translator's Name: Mehmet Emin Başpehlivan

Publisher: Smile Publishing

Volume Information: Paperback

Date of Publication: 2020

Printing Information: 2nd Edition

Paper Information: 1.Ham. Paper

Number of Pages: 48

Book Dimensions: 16.5 x 24 cm.

ISBN No: 978-975-450- 639-6

Barcode No: 9789754506396

Label Price: 8.50 TL



“The Best Stories from the Life of the Prophets” series consists of carefully selected very precious stories for children. These stories, passed down with love from generation to generation, can be easily understood by children.

Saniyasnain Khan, one of the best-selling children's writers, has written hundreds of books. These unforgettable stories will form a basis for our children's Quran education.

Other Books of the Best Series of Stories from the Life of the Prophets

(10 Books - 20 Stories)

1- Creation Hz. Adam and Eve
2- Hz. Adam's Two Sons and Prophet Abraham's Journey
3- Hz. Noah's Ark and Hz. Job's Prayer
4- Hz. Ibrahim and Hz. Ismail
5- Hz. Throne of Solomon and Queen
6- Hz. Jacob and Hz. Joseph
7- Companions of the Cave and Two Gardens
8- Hz. The Story of Mary and Hz. David
9- Hz. Moses and Hz. Dhu'l-Qarnayn
10- Hz. Ibrahim and Hz. Salih's Camel

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