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The name of Hazrat Amina will certainly not be forgotten. Since she was the vehicle for the birth of the master of the worlds, she will be remembered as the mother of the believers with goodness, example and gratitude until eternity.

In a society floating in all kinds of heresy, by withdrawing from all the goods and entertainments of the world, in an environment of ignorance, he will be chaste, noble and naive.  lived.

In this book, Ahmet Cemil Akıncı presents the life story of the best mother with a poetic language and a gripping narrative. The author, starting with the elders of the Haşimoğulları, to whom our Prophet was a member, traces the arrival of the Herald of Mercy, the miracles of his birth and the first days of his life, his mother Hz. He successfully novelizes it from the perspective of Amine and paying attention to historical data.

Hz. amine

SKU: 217537123517253
₺250.00 Regular Price
₺200.00Sale Price
  • Author Name : Ahmet Cemil Akinci

    Publisher : Bahar Publications

    Original Language : Turkish

    Genre : Historical Novel

    Skin Information : Hardcover

    Paper Information : Imported Paper

    Number of Pages: 286

    Book Dimensions: 13.5 x 21 cm

    Hardcover Barcode No : 9789754506235

    Paperback Cover  Barcode No:  9789754500608


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