Sufi Classics
Work Name: Tasawwuf Road
Work Subtitle: Sufi Classics
Author Name: Abdülkadir Geylani
Translator's Name: Assoc. Dr. Abdulvehhab Ozturk
Publisher: Bahar Publications
Original Language: Turkish
Volume Information: Paperback
Date of Publication: 2020
Publication Information: 5th Edition
Paper Information: Imported Paper
Number of Pages: 184
Book Dimensions: 13.5 x 19.5 cm.
ISBN No: 978-975-450- 190-2
Barcode No: 9789754501902
Label Price: 25.00 TL
This book is considered one of the greatest works of Imam Abdulkadir Geylani rahmetullahi. The book deals with the principles of Sufism and suluk, and its sources are the supreme book of Allah, the sunnah of His Messenger (sallallahu ta'ala alayhi wa sallam), and the real words of the Companions and nature.
This book is a great book that provides great benefits. In this book, Imam His Holiness has brought together the most necessary things for those who want to be at Hakka.
The book begins with what is necessary for every believer and muslim. Then he moves on to the subjects of death and exam He avoids the world and encourages him not to face it.